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Date: 05/12/2007
DASE urges the Central Government not to Curtail the Autonomy of MCI
Regarding this Dr. G.R. Ravindranath, General Secretary, DASE has issued the following Press Statement.
The Central Health Ministry is planning to setup a separate department for Medical Education under a Secretary Level Officer. The purpose of creation of the new department is to allow more medical colleges on Public – Private partnership and to allow foreign universities and FDI in Medical Education. DASE urges the Central Government not to give any Government Hospitals to private organizations to start medical colleges in the name of Public-Private Partnership.
At present the MCI, a statutory body is regulating medical education. Giving recognition to new medical colleges and new medical courses. Doctors’ registration also maintained by this organization at All India Level. The Central Health Ministry wants to curtail the power of the MCI for the interest of corporates. DASE urges the Central Health Ministry to protect the Autonomy of MCI and bring suitable amendment in MCI Act to decentralize its power. Its activities should be made as more transparent and democratic.
Power to give recognition to new medical colleges and medical courses should be given to the State Medical Councils which could strengthen the Federal setup of our country.
DASE urges the Central and State Governments to start more medical colleges.
Yours truly,
(Dr. G.R. Ravindranath)