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Tamil Nadu Medical Service – Committee constituted to look into demands of Tamil
Nadu Government Doctors’ Association – Recommendations of committee – Orders –
G.O.(Ms) No. 354 Dated: 23.10. 2009.
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2040.
Iypasi : 6
1. G.O. (Ms) No. 194, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated: 07.07.2009
Read also:
2. From the Special Secretary to Government , Finance Department, letter No: 384 /
SS / PK / 2009, dated; 03.08.2009.
The Tamil Nadu Government Doctor’s Association (TNGDA) requested the
Government that the Government doctors may be provided with Dynamic Assured
Career Progression (DACP) due to lack of adequate promotional opportunities and
stagnation at various levels in the system.
2. Accordingly, in the Government Order first read above, a committee was
constituted to look into promotional opportunities of Government Doctors at various
levels headed by the Special Secretary to Government , Finance Department. In the
letter second read above, the Committee has submitted its report to the Government .
3. As per the mandate given in the Government order, the committee studied the
situation and possible modalities to create better promotional opportunities to the
Government doctors and other related issues, and has submitted its recommendations.
Financial commitment towards the implementation of these recommendations is
approximately estimated at Rs.67.3 crores per annum for Director of Medical and Rural
Health Services /Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine /Director of Medical
and Rural Health Services (ESI) side and Rs.51.3 crores per annum for Director of
Medical Education side.
4. After detailed examination of the recommendations of the committee, the
following orders are issued :-
I. Director of Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine side:-
i. All the doctors working in hospitals, dispensaries and primary health centres in the
state who do not come under Director of Medical Education side are considered as
one unit for the purpose of this order.
ii. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services shall maintain the Civil Medical
List (CML) and the seniority list of the doctors in this unit. The seniority under the
Civil Medical List will be based on Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission selection.
The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services will effect promotions in Director
of Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Public Health and Preventive
Medicine / ESI / Foreign Service etc
iii. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services unit’s seniority list shall be of
(1).General seniorityfor
all those doctors with MBBS degree. (2).Specialist seniority- Speciality wise
seniority for those with diploma and master degree The specialities are :-
1). General medicine 2). General surgery 3) Obstetrics & and Gynaecology 4).
Paediatrics 5).Ophthalmology 6).Orthopaedics 7). ENT 8). Psychiatry 9).
Radiology 10). Chest medicine. 11).Anaesthesia 12). Dental 13). Dermatology.
All other specialists not coming under the above mentioned specialties will be
included in the general category, unless ordered otherwise.
a. The Post Graduate doctors (i.e. doctors who have done Post Graduate Degree
or diploma) in the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services side would get
a separate seniority in their specific speciality based on their seniority in the
Civil Medical List. After getting their seniority in their speciality, their future
promotions would be based on the speciality-specific seniority, and the
Civil Medical List for them would be relevant only for the limited purpose of fixing
the inter-se seniority relative to those joining their speciality in the Director of
Medical and Rural Health Services side. No equivalent promotion can be claimed
by any specialist based on inter-se Civil Medical List seniority on account of
doctors in some other speciality or in MBBS General list getting promotion.
Civil Medical List seniority would after that be relevant only to fix their seniority in
the speciality-specific seniority list, and after that it is that seniority list which
would operate. Such fixing of speciality-specific seniority based on the
Civil Medical List seniority would continue only upto the Senior Civil Surgeon
stage, beyond which only the speciality-specific seniority would operate, except
for posts common to all specialities. An illustration for fixing the seniority on
Civil Medical List basis and for specific specialities is annexed to this order
b. The inter-se-seniority of MBBS General candidates on Director of Medical and
Rural Health Services and Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
side and that of the Post Graduate diploma candidates in the Primary Health
Centres side would be dealt as common pool and would be based on the
Civil Medical List . Their promotion also would be based on the Civil Medical List
The MBBS General candidates can go either to Director of Medical and Rural
Health Services or Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine , depending
on vacancy available, on promotion. The promotions gained by a specialist,
cannot be cited for equivalent promotion by MBBS General (and the Post
Graduate Diploma in the Primary Health Centre) candidates based on inter-seseniority.
iv. The posts of Assistant Surgeon (AS), Senior Assistant Surgeon (SAS), Civil
Surgeon (CS) and Senior Civil Surgeon (SCS) shall continue to be in the existing pay
Band and Grade Pays, which are equivalent to the pre-revised scales of
Rs.8000/-, Rs. 9100/-, Rs. 10,000/- and Rs.12000/- respectively, as laid down in the
G.O.(Ms). No. 234 Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 1.06. 2009.
v. A new rank of Chief Civil Surgeon (CCS) carrying salary in Pay Band -IV, with
grade pay of Rs. 8700/- shall be created. The post of Chief Civil Surgeon is only a rank
and the designation of Chief Civil Surgeon does not mean the person is head of an
administrative Unit.
vi. The pay band and grade pay for Joint Director, Additional Director and Director
level posts pay shall remain at the same level as they exist now. An additional
allowance of Rs. 500/- per month shall be paid to the Joint Director. This allowance
would be a standalone allowance and would not be eligible to be counted for calculating
any other salary item such as Dearness Allowance and other allowances.
vii. The distribution of MBBS general and Post Graduate Diploma doctor posts on
Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine side is as per Annexure I to this
order. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services shall effect promotion and
will be the officer responsible for maintaining the number of posts at each level.
The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine shall be responsible for posting
and also ensuring numbers in each level.
viii) The MBBS General and Diploma doctors on Primary Health Centre side would
be considered equivalent for promotion purposes.100 Upgraded Primary Health Centres
would be headed by Chief Civil Surgeon level doctors. The Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine may decide which 100 Primary Health Centres to be chosen based
on the level of activity in Primary Health Centres. The selection and distribution of other
level doctors amongst various categories of Primary Health Centres is left to the
Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, to be calculated based on the
volume of work in each Primary Health Centre. The Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine would have to ensure that the total number of posts at each level in
the entire Department is not more than the total posts fixed above, and that not more
than the prescribed strength, speciality wise, are posted in any Primary Health
Centre. Thus, in any Primary Health Centre the total strength would remain the same
as prescribed through Government orders, but the level of doctors in any specific
Primary Health Centre can be fixed by the Director of Public Health and Preventive
Medicine. However, while fixing the level, the Public Health and Preventive Medicine
has to ensure that the total number of posts in the department as a whole at each level
are not altered.
ix. The distribution of MBBS general in Director of Medical and Rural Health
Services / ESI side shall be as in Annexure-II to this order.
x. The department wise distribution of specialists post in Director of Medical and
Rural Health Services / Director of Medical and Rural Health Services (ESI) and
Foreign services shall be as per Annexure -III to this order, The institution vise break up
of specialists post is as per Annexure – IV to this order.
xi. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services shall redistribute the total
strength at each level as given in Annexure II, III and IV. The choice of redistributing
the same amongst various district / taluk / non-taluk hospital/ other hospitals shall be
done by the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services. However, while fixing the
level of posts, the total number of posts in each level for MBBS General and each
Speciality in the Department cannot be altered. Further, the total number of MBBS
General and speciality posts, as per restructured plan in Director of Medical and Rural
Health Services and as per norms for various categories of Primary Health Centre in
Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine , in each institution cannot be altered.
Further, the total number of MBBS General and speciality posts, as per restructured
plan in Director of Medical and Rural Health Services and as per norms for various
categories of Primary Health Centre in Director of Public Health and Preventive
Medicine, in each institution cannot be altered. If in any hospital any speciality post is
upgraded to a higher level, it should be accompanied by a simultaneous downgrading of
an equivalent post in the same speciality in some other hospital.
xii. The allotment of specialist post in each hospital under restructuring plan vide
G.O (Ms) No 255, Health and Family Welfare Department, dated: 20.08.2009 should not
be altered, in these exercises.
xiii. The total number of common posts would remain at 563 (438 High level and
125 lower levels). They would be continued to be available to all specialities (including
MBBS General candidates, except for 125 low level posts in ESI which would be
available only to specialities) based on seniority. The present common Senior Civil
Surgeon 354 posts and 44 Deputy Director posts are refixed at the Chief Civil Surgeon
level. Accordingly the common post distribution shall be as in Annexure V to this order
xiv. The Government also fix the eligibility for promotion to a higher level in
Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine / Director of Medical and Rural
Health Services / ESI/ Foreign service / other institutions as follows:-
(i) An Assistant Surgeon shall put up 5 years of service for promotion
as Senior Assistant Surgeon.
(ii) A Senior Assistant Surgeon shall put up 4 years of service in the
post of Senior Assistant Surgeon for promotion as Civil Surgeon.
(iii) A Civil Surgeon shall put up 2 years of service in the post for
promotion as Senior Civil Surgeon. (iv) A Senior Civil Surgeon shall put up 1 year of service in the post for
promotion as Chief Civil Surgeon.
xv. The above eligibility is prospective i.e. for future promotions and it is not
applicable to the existing structure. The Medical Officers on whom disciplinary action is
pending / punishments given are not eligible for the above exercise.
a. However, the above minimum periods would be for future promotions only,
and would not be applicable while refitting the existing structure into the
proposed structure. This refitment will be done based on the restructured
posts, with the postulate that those who have completed 20 years may be
fitted in the Chief Civil Surgeon level, those who have completed 15 years
may be fitted in the Civil Surgeon level and those who have completed 8
years may be fitted in the Senior Assistant Surgeon level without taking
into reckoning the minimum experience prescribed above for each level.
b. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services will be empowered to
do the refitment and effecting the promotions upto the level of Chief Civil
Surgeon, on the guidelines above. However, the district level higher
administrative posts should be prepared and sent to the Govt. for
xvi. Approximately 1/28th of the total number of posts should be filled up every
year to ensure that there is a smooth transition from each level to the next one. The
Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine as the common recruitment officer
will ensure this.
xvii. The first general as well as speciality wise review of the above proposed
structure may be undertaken after 3 years and thereafter general as well as speciality
wise review may be taken up every 5 years as this would ensure that any distortions
caused by the above exercise are corrected.
xviii. Suitable modifications to the above proposed structure be carried out from time
to time whenever number of certain posts are increased or reduced.
II. Director of Medical Education side:-
(i) The Medical Officers working in the Medical College Hospitals,
Institutions and dispensaries under the control of Directorate of
Medical Education shall come under the Director of Medical
Education unit. .
(ii) The Director of Medical Education will maintain the seniority list of
the doctors in this unit and will effect the promotions.
(iii) The Director of Medical Education unit’s seniority list will be of two
categories (1).General seniority- for all those doctors with MBBS
and diploma degree. (2).Specialist seniority- Speciality wise
seniority for those with master degree and or super speciality
(iv) Both the general seniority and speciality seniority will be based on
their seniority in Civil Medical List. After getting the seniority in their
speciality, their future promotions would be based on the specialityspecific
seniority and they would not have further lien on their
seniority in Civil Medical List for the purpose of promotion.
However seniority in Civil Medical List would be relevant only for
the limited purpose of fixing inter–se seniority relative to those
joining their speciality in the Director of Medical Education side. No
equivalent promotion can be claimed by any specialist based on
inter–se Civil Medical List seniority on account of doctors in some
other speciality. Civil Medical List seniority would after that be
relevant only to fix the seniority in the speciality specific seniority
list, and after that, it is that seniority list which would operate as
illustrated in the annexure to this order.
(v) For higher level posts and posts in common pool, the Civil Medical
List seniority will be the basis for promotion.
(vi) Entry into Director of Medical Education side against particular
vacancy in any speciality should strictly be on the basis of Civil
Medical List seniority, provided the person is eligible otherwise.
(vii) Once a person joins any speciality under Director of Medical
Education, his inter-se seniority in the speciality would depend on
the person’s seniority in the Civil Medical List . The Civil Medical
List would continue to decide the speciality specific seniority, till the
Associate Professor level. However, any person getting promoted
under any speciality would not entitle other persons in other
specialities to be promoted similarly, if they are senior in the Civil
Medical List to such a person. Similarly, any person in any
speciality would not be entitled to get a promotion, based on a
junior in the same speciality having got such a promotion in the
Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, Director of Medical
and Rural Health Services, (ESI) and Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine side.
(viii) A new grade viz., ‘Senior Assistant Professor’ equivalent to Civil
Surgeon (CS) shall be created and a Medical Officer should have
spent at least three years as Assistant Professor to become a
Senior Assistant Professor.
(ix) The combined grade of Associate Professor / Professor is split into
two, namely, Associate Professor and Professor corresponding to
Senior Civil Surgeon and Chief Civil Surgeon on Director of Medical
and Rural Health Services, Director of Public Health and Preventive
Medicine side, respectively. Thus, Assistant Professor, Senior
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor would be in
the Pay band and Grade Pays laid down in the G.O.(Ms). No. 234
Finance (Pay Cell) Department. Dated 1.06.2009, corresponding to
the pre-revised scales of Rs. 9100/-, Rs.10000/-, Rs. 12000/- and
Rs.14300/- respectively.
(x) The distribution of 4566 specialists posts on Director of Medical
Education side shall be as given in Annexure VI to this order.
(xi) There are 264 MBBS/Diploma Doctors as per pre-revised scale of
Rs. 8000/- working on Director of Medical Education side who do
not have any promotional opportunity above Tutor/Assistant
Surgeon level on Director of Medical Education side as per Medical
Council of India norms. They shall be allowed to be part of Civil
Medical List. Their promotion will be on par with their immediate
juniors in Civil Medical List in general (MBBS) category on the
Director of Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine side. Less qualified and not
eligible for promotion as Assistant Professor and above as per the
guidelines of the Medical Council of India, they shall be moved to
Director of Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine side at the time of first promotion,
instead of they being promoted over time to Chief Civil Surgeon
level for doing work which is basically a non- teaching support
(xii) The post of Principal of Dental College shall be upgraded to Chief
Civil Surgeon grade provided that he has a Post Graduate
qualification. In addition, as the incumbent heading an institution
having other professors in Pay Band 4, they would get an additional
administrative allowance of Rs. 500/- per month, which would be a
standalone allowance and would not be eligible for being counted
for purpose of other allowances.
(xiii) 20 posts of Deputy Directors of Medical Education and Deputy
Director (King Institute) are brought under Pay Band 4 with grade
pay of Rs. 8700/- .
(xiv) As a onetime measure to be followed at the time of refitment after
creation of the posts, to address the problem of stagnation at
Assistant Professor level for large number of doctors at present, all
those who have done 20 years of total service from the time of
entering into the TN Medical service shall be promoted as
Professors, provided they are eligible as per Medical Council of
India norms.
(xv) As a onetime measure while exercising the above restructuring, the
Director of Medical Education shall do the exercise as per the
Medical Council of India guidelines.
(xvi) All the promotions will be issued strictly on acquiring adequate
minimum teaching experience as per Medical Council of India
norms. In no case, Medical Council of India norms should be
relaxed for giving promotions.
(xvii) The Medical Officers on whom disciplinary action is pending /
punishment given shall not be eligible for promotion.
(xviii) Movement of a person from Director of Medical and Rural Health
Services / Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine side
to Director of Medical Education side should be only on the basis
of seniority of a person in Civil Medical List. Approximately 1/20th
of the total number of posts in the speciality should be filled up
every year to ensure that there is a smooth transition from each
level to the next one.
(xix) The Director of Medical Education shall review the above
promotional structure at regular intervals. The first speciality wise
review shall be undertaken after 3 years and thereafter speciality
wise review shall take place every 5 years.
(xx) Suitable modifications to the above structure shall be carried out
from time to time whenever number of certain posts are increased
or reduced.
III. Person –Oriented Promotions as Safeguard measure in both Director of
Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Public Health and Preventive
Medicine side / Director of Medical Education side:-
i. Considering the fact that medical expertise is a rare expertise and it is in the
interest of the government to avoid exodus from the system. Hence, in addition
to restricted Voluntary Retirement Service Scheme to achieve this, following
remedies are ordered as a safeguard, if in certain cases promotions do not occur
at 8,15 and 20 years even after providing enough promotional opportunities as
ii. In the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services and Director of Public Health
and Preventive Medicine side, if individuals are not promoted to the rank of
Senior Assistant Surgeon, Civil Surgeon and Chief Civil Surgeon after 8, 15 and
20 years of service respectively, then they will be given person-oriented
promotions to the rank of Senior Assistant Surgeon, Civil Surgeon and Chief Civil
Surgeon after 8,15 and 20 years of service respectively.
iii. In the Director of Medical Education side, if promotions are not obtained by
Assistant Professor to the levels of Senior Assistant Professors and Professors
respectively in Civil Surgeons period equivalent to 15 and 20 years of joining the
Medical Service, person–oriented promotions will be given as Senior Assistant
Professor and Professor at the end of 15 and 20 years of joining the Tamil Nadu
Medical Service respectively, subject to the condition that the person is otherwise
eligible for such promotion as per Medical Council of India norms.
iv. If some of them are not eligible for promotion to these posts as per Medical
Council of India norms, they will be given person-oriented promotion in the scales
of Civil Surgeons and Chief Civil Surgeons. An Assistant Professor at the end of
15 years of total service will be promoted as Civil Surgeon-Assistant Professor
and at the end of 20 years, Chief Civil Surgeon-Assistant Professor or Chief Civil
Surgeon -Senior Assistant Professor or Chief Civil Surgeon–Associate Professor
depending on the total years of service on person oriented promotion.
v. These posts created due to person–oriented promotions will automatically be
downgraded to the original cadre after the particular person gets promoted or
retires from the promoted posts.
vi. Such person oriented promotion should be given only if no vacancies are
available to promote the person in normal course. If such vacancies are there,
and the person cannot be promoted due to other reasons, then such person
oriented promotion cannot be given.
vii. Any such promotion cannot be claimed by others as a right by any other person
by virtue of higher inter-se seniority in the Civil Medical List or in speciality–
specific seniority list. The total service from the date of joining will be applicable
for these person-oriented promotions.
viii. Other restrictions, such as those under Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and
Appeal) Rules, will also be applicable to person-oriented promotions.
5. The Government also gives sanction for upgradation of 1803 posts from
Pay Band III to Pay Band IV to tackle the problem of stagnation.
6. Voluntary Retirement Scheme:-
Based on the recommendations of the Committee, the Government have
decided to accept the following:-
i. to accept Voluntary Retirement as per Government Rules of all doctors
except those in non-clinical side and in case of rare specialities in
principle and to identify the rare / specific specialities to be excluded
from Voluntary Retirement Scheme separately.
ii. to allow the Medical Officers who are in Pay Band IV to go on Voluntary
Retirement after a cool- off period of 5 years of service after reaching
Pay Band IV.
7. This order shall take effect from the date of issue of orders.
8. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Medical
Education are directed to send necessary proposals to Government for amendment to
the Special Rules for Tamil Nadu Medical Service, wherever necessary.
9. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide its
U.O. No.336 / DS (VP) 2009, dated: 23.10.2009.
The Director of Medical Education, Chennai – 10.
The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services Chennai -6.
The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Chennai -6.
The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services (ESI), Chennai -6.
The Accountant General, Chennai -18.
The Pay and Accounts Officer (South) , Chennai – 35.
The Pay and Accounts Officer (East) , Chennai – 5.
The Pay and Accounts Officer (North) , Chennai – 1.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Madurai
All District Treasury Officers
Copy to:-
The Tamil Nadu Government Doctors’ Association
The Chief Minister’s Office, Chennai -9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Minister (Health)Chennai -9.
The Finance (HE II) Department, Chennai -9.
The Health and Family Welfare (A,E,F)Department, Chennai -9.
sc /sf
/Forwarded By Order/
Annexure I
Distribution of MBBS General Posts in Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine wing
Details AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Distribution of
doctors in
Primary Health
1893 1112 477 636 100 4218
/true copy/
Annexure II
Distribution of General posts in Director of Medical and Rural Health
Services, Director of Medical and Rural Health Services (ESI),
Foreign Service and other Institutions
No. of Doctors
required as per
Director of
Medical and
Rural Health
680 191 139 85 180 85 680
Foreign Service 174 47 47 0 0 80 174
23 12 11 0 0 0 23
Director of
Medical and
Rural Health
Services (ESI)
318 110 118 50 0 40 318
Grand Total 1195 360 315 135 180 205 1195
/true copy/
Annexure III
Distribution of Specialitst posts in Director of Medical and Rural
Health Services / Director of Medical and Rural Health Services
(ESI) / Foreign Service side
No.of Doctors
required as per
1 General
317 95 83 36 48 55 317
2 General Surgery 341 102 90 38 51 60 341
3 OG 633 190 167 71 96 109 633
4 Paediatrics 356 107 94 40 53 62 356
5 Ophthalmology 90 27 23 11 13 16 90
6 Orthopaedics 161 48 42 19 24 28 161
7 ENT 101 30 27 11 15 18 101
8 Psychiatry 31 9 8 3 5 6 31
9 Radiology 48 14 13 5 7 9 48
10 Chest Medicine 63 19 16 7 9 12 63
11 Anaesthesia 345 104 91 39 52 59 345
12 Dental 201 60 53 23 30 35 201
13 Dermatology
(including STD)
112 35 28 12 17 20 112
2799 840 735 350 420 489 2799
/true copy/
Annexure IV
Institution wise Distribution of Specialists posts
General Medicine
No. of doctors
required as per
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
DMS 307 95 83 36 48 45 307
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ESI 10 0 0 0 0 10 10
Grand Total 317 95 83 36 48 55 317
General Surgery
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 329 101 90 38 51 49 329
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Institutions 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
ESI 11 0 0 0 0 11 11
Grand Total 341 102 90 38 51 60 341
No. of doctors
required as per
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 622 189 167 71 96 99 622
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Institutions 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
ESI 10 0 0 0 0 10 10
Grand Total 633 190 167 71 96 109 633
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 334 93 94 40 53 54 334
Foreign 14 14 0 0 0 0 14
Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ESI 8 0 0 0 0 8 8
Grand Total 356 107 94 40 53 62 356
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 87 26 23 11 13 14 87
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
ESI 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
Grand Total 90 27 23 11 13 16 90
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 156 45 42 19 24 26 156
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 3 3 0 0 0 0 3
ESI 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
Grand Total 161 48 42 19 24 28 161
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 98 29 27 11 15 16 98
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
ESI 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
Grand Total 101 30 27 11 15 18 101
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 28 8 8 3 5 4 28
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
ESI 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
Grand Total 31 9 8 3 5 6 31
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 47 15 13 5 7 8 48
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0
ESI 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Grand Total 48 14 14 5 6 8 48
Chest Medicine
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 42 7 16 7 0 12 42
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 21 12 0 0 9 0 21
ESI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 63 19 16 7 9 12 63
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 343 104 91 39 52 57 343
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ESI 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
Grand Total 345 104 91 39 52 59 345
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 195 57 53 23 30 32 195
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ESI 6 3 0 0 0 3 6
Grand Total 201 60 53 23 30 35 201
Dermatology (including STD)
No. of
required as
formula AS SAS CS SCS CCS Total
Total DMS 101 25 29 12 17 18 101
Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institutions 9 9 0 0 0 0 9
ESI 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
Grand Total 112 35 28 12 17 20 112
/true copy/
Annexure V
Common posts at Higher level and Lower level
Category High level posts
JD Add.
Director of
Medical and
Rural Health
0 215 44 33 5 1 298 298
Director of
Public Health
& Preventive
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Director of
Medical and
Rural Health
125 139 0 0 1 0 140 265
Grand total 125 354 44 33 6 1 438 563
/true copy/
Annexure VI
Distribution of 4566 specialists posts in Director of Medical
Education side
Professor Total
1. Anatomy 32 33 60 61 186
2. Bio Chemistry 18 19 33 35 105
3. Community Medicine 23 25 44 45 137
4. Forensic Medicine 17 18 33 33 101
5. Microbiology 22 23 41 42 128
6. Pathology/Blood
45 48 85 88 266
7. Pharmacology 22 24 42 43 131
8. Physiology 30 32 56 58 176
9. Anaesthesia 49 52 93 95 289
10. Cardiology 12 12 22 23 69
11. Cardiothoracic
9 9 16 17 51
12. Dental/Community
14 15 27 28 84
13. Dermatology/
20 21 36 38 115
14. Diabetology 3 3 5 6 17
15. ENT 16 17 29 30 92
16. General Medicine 81 85 151 157 474
17. General
72 76 136 140 424
18. Geriatric Medicine 0 1 1 1 3
19. Haematology 1 1 2 2 6
20. Medical Oncology 2 2 3 3 10
21. Medical Gastro
4 4 7 8 23
22. Nephrology 7 8 13 14 42
23. Neurosurgery 9 9 16 17 51
24. Neurology 8 8 14 15 45
25. Nuclear Medicine 0 0 0 1 1
26. O&G / Postpartum
64 67 121 124 376
27. Operative Dentist 0 0 1 1 2
28. Ophthalmology 19 20 35 36 110
29. Oral Pathology 0 0 1 1 2
30. Oral Surgery 0 1 1 1 3
31. Orthodontia 0 1 1 1 3
32. Ortho/Spine
26 27 48 49 150
33. Paediatric Surgery 6 6 11 11 34
34. Paediatric
0 0 0 1 1
35. Paediatric Neurology 0 0 1 1 2
36. Paediatric Gastro
0 0 0 1 1
37. Paediatric
0 0 0 1 1
38. Paediatric
0 0 1 1 2
39. Paediatric Urology 0 0 0 1 1
40. Paediatrics / Child
Nutrition / Genetics
/ Medical Genetics /
56 59 107 109 331
41. Periodontia 0 1 1 1 3
42. Physical Medicine 4 4 7 7 22
43. Plastic Surgery 10 11 18 19 58
44. Prosthetics 0 1 1 1 3
45. Psychiatry 10 11 19 20 60
46. Rheumatology 1 1 2 2 6
47. Radio Diagnosis 26 28 49 50 153
48. Radio Therapy 6 6 11 11 34
49. Surgical
3 3 6 6 18
50. Surgical
1 1 1 1 4
51. Surgical oncology 0 1 2 2 5
52. Thoracic Medicine 9 10 17 18 54
53. Urology 8 8 14 15 45
54. Vascular Surgery 3 3 6 6 18
Paediatrics, O & G,
Ophathalmic, Chest)
6 7 12 13 38
Total 774 822 1459 1511 4566
/true copy/
Director of Medical and Rural Health Services / Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine Illustration to fix seniority in the
Illustration 1
A-MBBS with CML 1050 Joins service on 1-2-98.
B-MBBS with MD(GM) with CML 1120 joins service on 1-2-98.
A –joins MD(GM) in 2003 and qualifies in MARCH 2006.
On implementation of this Government Order on 1-11-2009;
A- has completed 11 yrs and he is a specialist
B- has completed 11 yrs and he is a specialist
On 1-11-09 they will be fitted as SAS in specialist category with special seniority
A- CML-1050- Special Seniority -1
B- CML-1120- Special Seniority -2
C- MBBS –CML-2550 joins service in 2007
D- MBBS with MD(GM) –CML-2750 joins service in 2007
on 1-11-09
C-will be fitted as general category
D-will be fitted as special category with Special Seniority 14
C joins MD(GM) in 2010 and completes by 2013
in 2015
C will be promoted as SAS special with seniotiy-12
D will be promoted as SAS special with seniority 15
Illustration 3
E-MBBS with D.ORTHO – CML- 1150
F-MBBS with MS (Ortho) -CML-1250
As per GO they will be fitted in specialist category as
E- D.Ortho- CML-1150-specialist Seniority -3
F- MS(Ortho)-CML-1250- specialist Seniority -5
Both Diploma and PG degree will be on par and considered as Specialist and their
seniority is fixed in the Specialist category based on CML Seniority.
Illustration 4;
G – a person with MBBS CML 6000 – Joined Service in 2003.
H – a person with DCH CML 6300 – Joined Service in 2004.
H- by virtue of his specialist seniority gets promoted as Senior Assistant Surgeon in
March 2009.
G - though senior in CML, do not get promotion because he is in general category and
gets his promotion as Senior Assistant Surgeon in March 2010.
G- goes to do DCH in march 2010 and gets degree in march 2012.
As on april 2012, both G and H will be in peadiatric seniority list, G with CML 6000,
being senior in CML, but junior to H in SAS promotion. So, H being the panel senior
will be eligible for further promotions as senior to G.
ie, panel seniority will hold good after first promotion for further promotions. After first
promotion CML seniority will be valid only to decide on inter-se seniority among the
specialist in the same panel.
Director of Medical Education Side
Illustration to fix seniority in the CML
A – CML No. 1050
In March 1998, joins Director of Medical Educations side as Tutor in Physiology with
DLO. No specialty seniority number is assigned.
Join’s MD Physiology Course in 2007. Will complete in March 2010.
B – CML No. 5000
In 2005 joins service in Director of Medical and Rural Health Services side.
In 2007 joins MD(Physiology course) will complete in March 2010
Specialty Seniority number for A will be 50 will be assigned in March 2010
Specialty Seniority number for B will be 51 after passing the university exam
Illustration – 2
Person A:
Qualified DCH. CML 2550. Joined service in 1997 in PHC. Worked in PHC till 2002.
Then he was released to DME as Tutor. Though qualified with a diploma he will not be
eligible to be enter in DME side Speciality Seniority (Pediatrics) list.
Person B:
Qualified MD (Ped). CML 3000. Joined PHC in 2000 and released to Pediatrics
Department in1991. He gets into the DME side Speciality Seniority (Pediatrics) list with
a seniority number of say 55. Working till date.
When this Government Order is implemented, for a vacancy in the Pediatrics as Senior
Assistant Professor, only Person B is eligible.
Though CML senior, person A is not eligible as specialist in DME side.
Illustration – 3
Person C:
Joins DME service as Tutor in Radiology with DMRD in 2000. In 2008 joins MD
(Radiodiagnosis) PG course after working for 8 years in Radiology Department. Will
complete in 2010. CML No is 1800
Person D:
Gets into DME service in Radiology department as Tutor with DMRD qualification in
2005. In 2008 joins MD (Radiodiagnosis) course. Will complete in 2010. CML no. is
Person D: Speciality Seniority No 45
Person C: Speciality Seniority No. 47


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